Friday, February 1, 2013

Green ABCR Group, or BRACARUS

The pilot project to implement the concept of the United Green Nations (UGN 2050) is establishing the first ever in the world eco-political alliance composed of Australia, Brazil, Canada and Russian Federation, the countries that are currently eco-surplus in the terms of ecological footprint metrics (e.g., Ewing et al., 2010) and have powerful (in the terms of GDP) national economies. This up-to-date eco-political alliance, named the Green ABCR Group or BRACARUS, is designed with use of the modern pro-ecological approaches instead of (retro)territorial, (retro)political and (retro)economic ones being thus more progressive than all known retro-alliances or groups: BRIC (designed by Jim O’Neill in 2001), BRICS, G8, G20 and any others. Read more